Sabrina Panaitescu-Rapan, M.A., RP (Qualifying)

What problem do you strive to overcome?

Problem: Some clients may be skeptical of the counselling process but are wanting the support, validation and guidance on how and what direction to take or why they may feel a certain way.
Solution: I utilize an individualistic, cognitive and flexible solution based approach for each client based on their unique situation, concerns and goals to guide them along their therapeutic journey. We will work as a team as you are the expert of yourself and I have the tools and resources needed to collaboratively come to a solution and better understanding of your experience.
Result: I strive to create a safe, welcoming, and comfortable environment for each client to ensure they feel supported, cared for and heard while valuing the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the client’s overall end goal for counselling.

Sabrina is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and a Yorkville University student achieving her Master’s degree in Counselling therapy. Over the past 3 years, she has worked at the Homewood Health center as an intake counsellor to assist individuals who are seeking counselling support. The Homewood Health organization is a mental health clinic that provides counselling support for individuals whether it be long-term to grow a therapeutic relationship with a counsellor while seeking guidance for a variety of concerns such as; anxiety, coaching, family concerns or additions while also providing access to immediate support for clients in crisis. 

Client Focus: Couples, individuals, teens

Types of therapy: CBT, Solution focused, Exposure, Person Centered,
EMT (Emotion focused therapy), Gestalt therapy

Anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, family conflict, relationship issues, behaviour problems, interpersonal relationships, burnout, trauma (Specialties) Infidelity, eating disorder, life transitions, loneliness, self-esteem, social
skills, job dissatisfaction/motivation, assault (physical/ sexual) anger, alcohol, harassment/bullying, Suicide, PTSD.

More than just my work:
These two quotes below are a very significant and powerful statement within the therapeutic journey as it reminds client’s that being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength and willing to seek support and help when in a difficult time in their lives. We also have to remind ourselves that failure is not a representation of defeat but rather the ability to grow and learn from that predicament and the only sign of failure we should abide by is if we give up on helping ourselves during difficult stages in life. In a counselling environment we do not see the client’s as failures but rather as individuals looking for a helping hand and wanting to come out on top during their journey. Client’s are the experts of themselves and therapists are the experts of the tools and interventions client’s seek for and by working together we collaboratively find the balance and direction a client needs to accomplish their goals or understand their emotions and situations they initially seek counselling for.

“Out of our vulnerability will come true strength”- Sigmud Freud
“A failure is not always a mistake; it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying” – B. F. Skinner

Sabrina Panaitescu-Rapan - Psychotherapist